
Please check your home frequently for leaks.  If your meter is turning and your are not using water, you have a leak.  

Be sure to check all vacant homes as well.  Any leaks that occur from the curb box through your home are your responsibility.  

The Water Authority cannot be responsible for undetected water losses within your property.

All water that goes through your meter will be billed.  

There are NO exceptions for leaks.  

Frozen Meter Charge $200.00

Leak Indicator meter

If you have an electronic indicator type meter, (iPerl), the register shows total flow on an LCD display, Note the reading, wait 20 - 30 minutes (make sure nobody turns on any faucets or water-using appliances) and check the reading.  If it has changed, it's possible you could have a leak somewhere in your system.

These meters also have a flow indicator.  If water is moving through the meter, a circle with a plus sign in the middle will appear in the bottom middle of the display.  If this appears, it's possible you could have a leak.  

Leak & Frozen Meter Information​

How to check for a leak

Locate your water meter.  Most meters are in the basement but some are in utility rooms or garages.  It is important to have the meter in a heated area.  Meters vary in style but all have an indicator that spins hen water is being used.  Turn off everything in the house that you know uses water, then check the meter to see if the dial is spinning.  A spinning dial indicates there is a leak somewhere in the building.

Toilet Leaks

Toilets are the most likely cause of water leaks inside the home.  To test the toilet, put a drop of food coloring in the toilet tank.  Do no flush the toilet.  Check the bowl after a few minutes and see if the water has turned colors.  If the color has seeped into the bowl, the toilet is leaking and you are paying for water that you are not using.  A leak that is the size of a pencil point can cause 74,000 gallons to be wasted.

Leaking Faucets

Leaking faucets are wasting up to 2,700 gallons per year, and are easy to see.  You may think it's only a drip but over time it adds up and water is going down the drain.  

More Information about leaks click below:

Leak info Page 1

Leak info Page 2


Here are some tips to prevent frozen water pipes as well as information on what to do if your pipes do freeze.

BEFORE Freezing Weather:

Never leave a garden hose attached to the faucet in freezing weather.  Disconnect and drain hoses.
Winterize irrigation systems
Insulate backflow devices and outside faucets with newspaper, rags or other insulating material. Cover them with plastic and secure with string or wire.
Cover foundation vents with foam blocks or cardboard.
Insulate hot and cold pipes in unheated areas, such as garage, crawl space or attic.
Locate your main shut off valve to your home and make sure you show household members how to turn off water to the house in case of emergency.

DURING Freezing Weather:

Temporarily, keep a steady drip of cold water running at an inside faucet.  This keeps water moving, making it less likely to freeze.
Open cupboard doors under sinks, especially where plumbing is in an outside wall, to allow interior heat to warm the pipes.
If you plan to be away from home for several days, shutting off the water can reduce the chances of broken pipes.  Set your home heat to at least 55 degrees.  Shut off water to the house and open all faucets to drain pipes; flush the toilet once to drain the tank, but no the bowl.  If you drain your pipes, be sure to turn off your water heater first.

IF your Pipes Freeze:

Determine which pipe(s) are frozen.  If some faucets work but other don't, that means you have a pipe or pipes inside your home that are frozen.
If a pipe is frozen, assume it may be broken and will leak when thawed.  Local home improvement stores may carry leak repair supplies.  Be ready to shut off your water in a hurry when the line thaws.
If there is no water to your home, the problem may be where the water line enters your home or at the meter.  Call the Water Authority office to ensure water is flowing from you meter correctly.  Authority personnel are not able to help fix the frozen pipes between the water main and the house or inside the house.
Thawing Frozen Pipers - Frozen pipes may be thawed by wrapping them with rags and repeatedly pouring hot water over the rags.  Once the pipes are thawed, remove the rags and rewrap the pipes with dry insulation material to prevent refreezing.  Never use an open flame or electrical device to thaw frozen pipes.  Using these methods can cause a fire or electrical shock.
If you cannot restore the water to your home, call a licensed plumber.